What Does the PTO do?

What Does it Pay for?
Most parents know what the Parent Teacher Organization is
…but do you know what we do?
Your PTO fundraises in many different ways throughout the school year.
Where does that money go?
What is it used for?
What do PTO members handle?
Here are some interesting facts to know about our PTO, its funds and its projects.
On top of our regular expenses for things like Bonding and Insurance and office & paper supplies, there are many things that we pay for that you & your children get to enjoy each school year.
Pizza Parties at Christmastime and Last Day of School for entire school staff and students
Sunshine Fund (gifts/cards sent to students or staff for reasons like sympathy, congrats or illness)
Winter Program – Laser Light Show, Science Show, Magician etc.
ALL School Dances – 5th – 8th grade and K – 4th This includes the cost of the DJ, decor & prizes
Kindergarten Orientation – refreshments and prizes!
Field Day – this includes the rentals of Bounce House, obstacle course, & supplies
Parent–Grandparent Day – Refreshments…beverages, supplies and food purchased above donations.
School Spirit Week – this includes ice cream treats and prizes!
Eagle Escapades – PTO pays for a portion of the t-shirt cost for each participant and supplies.
Staff Appreciation Week – breakfast for entire staff, gifts, supplies and decor
8th Grade Yearbooks – for all 8th grade graduates
8th Grade T-shirts – for all 8th grade students
Graduation – refreshments at the end of the evening for the students, faculty and families
PTO Scholarship Award – $400 to a graduating High School student who graduated from Alpha School
Three (3) 8th Grade Awards – $25 each. Chosen by the teachers for graduating 8th graders
Breakfast for Entire School – 1 or 2 days each year (when requested)
Other special purchases we’ve made for the school just in the past two years:
$5,000 to purchase four (4) Smart Boards for classrooms
The beautification of the garden area in front of the school
Two (2) new refrigerators for the staff lounge and cafeteria
A Keurig machine for the staff lounge
Other events that the PTO provides:
(that may or may not require any monetary expenditures)
* Veterans Program Refreshments
* Santa’s Workshop
* Room Parent Program
* Town-wide Yard Sale Weekend
* Senior Citizen Performance of the School Play/Musical
”OurWe hope this list lends itself to an understanding of what our funds go toward each year.It’s never too late to join our efforts. We are happy to have your help at any time during the school year.
Watch your school calendar for info on our monthly meetings!
If you have any further questions regarding any of these committees PLEASE don’t hesitate to ask.
We’d love to hear from you! alphaschoolpto@gmail.com or via Facebook at ALPHASCHOOLPTO.